Tap into opportunities in tribal forestry and wildland fire

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Jobs and Careers

Find jobs and available openings in the tribal forestry and wildland fire.

Latest Job Openings in Forestry and Fire

In a career in tribal forest management or fire management, you get to:

1. Support tribes’ unique vision of forest management and stewardship.
2. Improve forest protection, forest health and planning.
3. Help roads, facilities, and enforcement on tribal forests.
4. Develop cross-cultural relationships and landscape-scale management projects.
5. Inform and assist policy reform efforts that increase the self-governance of tribes.

Latest Job Listings

Click on the titles below to find out more.

Tribal Forests' Steering Committee

Partnership is critical to our work. Tribal Forests is supported by tribal leaders in forestry and by the leadership of federal agencies working on behalf of tribes.

Cody Desautel

Board President, Intertribal Timber Council

Confederated Tribes of the Colville Indian Reservation

Peter Wakeland

Chief Forester, Bureau of Indian Affairs

Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde

Aaron Baldwin

Wildland Fire Management Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs

Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska

Caleb Cain

Projects Forester, Bureau of Indian Affairs

Cherokee Tribe

Jeff Rupert

Director, Office of Wildland Fire

Department of the Interior

Adrian Leighton, Ph. D.

Director, Center for Tribal Research and Education in Ecosystem Sciences

Salish Kootenai College

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Pablo, MT 59821

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