Piikuni Lands Crew

From: https://www.mtcorps.org/joinmcc/amskapi-piikuni-partnership/amskapi-piikuni-partnership.html Joining the Piikuni Lands Crew gives you the opportunity to work alongside others from the Blackfeet Nation who share your interest in making a lifelong impact on the community and nearby ancestral lands. Through this experience you will have the opportunity to gain valuable job skills including trail Read more…

Tribal Youth Camp: Dig Afognak

These camps offer Alutiiq cultural activities such as learning and practicing the Alutiiq language, traditional art activities, subsistence gathering and preparation, traditional beading, skin sewing, learning from respected Elders, nature walks, creating healthy friendships, banya, and using Dig Afognak’s ropes courses and zip line. For more information please call the Read more…